Friday, September 13, 2013

Unintentional Connections

One of the most fascinating moments of the Master Class with Y. Martel for me was when students asked him questions about connections they had made in the story and what he intended the connections to mean.  Occasionally, he looked perplexed and admitted that he hadn't actually thought of that angle before.  Of course, it doesn't mean that the connection wasn't valid, just that the reader had connected the dots in a way the author had not. 
So...  I went back and read my "fairy tale" that I wrote last week.  I was shocked when I researched the name I had chosen for the main character only to discover that it was THE PERFECT NAME!  If I had researched names for weeks before I wrote the piece, I could not have come up with a more symbolic name for my character.  Talk about double meanings!!!  I was literally laughing out loud as I found more and more qualities of the name that fit my character PERFECTLY!!!  Craziness!
So...  Where did that name come from that "popped" into my head?  Was it past knowledge that I had just forgotten?  Was my creative hand "guided?"  Was it an "accident?"  "Coincidence?"
I don't know but I am very curious about how connections I was not even aware of ended up in black and white on my paper.    There were other profound alignments that I did not make consciously.  When I read my fairy tale in the detective manner we read "Signs and Symbols," I found a number of unintended but enriching connections. 
How the hell...???  Anyway, I hope I have time to briefly tell you of the connections after my story.  If not, I will write it in a blog.  I just don't want to give spoilers.  I don't mind spoilers, but out of respect to the assignment, I will wait.
Has anyone else discovered this about their stories?

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