Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Collecting Coincidences

Several years ago, I engaged in the rewarding practice of keeping a journal of coincidences and miracles in my life.  I embarked on my quest after reading Deepak Chopra’s THE SPONTANEOUS FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE:  Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence.  I am thrilled that the assignment to collect coincidences will spur me once again to pay attention to web that connects us all. 
I realize everyone is waaayyyy to busy to read Deepak’s book, but put it on your list of books to read in your life – your life will be immeasurably enriched.  As I prepare to collect my coincidences, I am skimming through the book again and would like to share a few gems with you.   
Although we think of them as extraordinary, miracles also streak across our consciousness every day.  We can choose to notice or ignore them, unaware that our destinies may hang in the balance.  Tune in to the presence of miracles, and in an instant, life can be transformed into a dazzling experience, more wondrous and exciting than we could even imagine.  The question is:   Would you recognize a miracle if you saw one?  If you recognized it, what would you do?  And if you could somehow orchestrate your own miracles, which miracles would you choose?”
Beyond your physical self, beyond your thoughts and emotions there lies a real within you that is pure potential, from this place anything and everything possible.  This part of you is interwoven with everything else that exists and with everything yet to come. 
We have all experienced events that might be considered amazing or uncanny.  Each time we have an experience like these, we can choose to dismiss it as a random occurrence in a chaotic world, or we can recognize it for the potentially life-altering event it may prove to be. Coincidences are a kind of message.  By paying attention to life’s coincidences, you can learn to hear their messages more clearly. 
When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities.  That is when the magic begins.  This is a state I call SYNCHRODESTINY, in which it becomes possible to achieve the spontaneous fulfillment of our every desire.   Synchrodestiny requires gaining access to a place deep within yourself, while at the same time awakening to the intricate dance of coincidences out in the physical world.  It requires understanding the profound nature of things, recognizing the wellspring of intelligence that endlessly creates our universe, and yet having the intention to pursue specific opportunities for change as they appear.
The more attention you give to coincidences, the more likely they are to appear, which means you begin to gain greater and greater access to the messages about the path and direction of your life.  We become aware of the exquisite patterns and synchronous rhythms that govern all life. 

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